Friday, June 4, 2010

11th day - 375 miles

Today I started early in the morning (8:30 am to be exact) after a good breakfast at the lodge. I headed down the road into Kings Canyon named after the river that carved out this natural spectacle. 38 miles long with a drop in elevation of 4500 feet and plenty of curves. The canyon is deeper in some locations than even the Grand Canyon. This “ride” was probably the most enjoyable I have ever taken. Blue sky, no traffic (I only encountered 2 cars on the entire trip down and up the canyon), perfect road conditions, long sweeping curves and all of that in one of the most beautiful National Parks I had ever seen. Could it get any better? Well, Yosemite N. P. was on the schedule for the afternoon. Riding down from the High Sierra into the Central Valley with its citrus plantations was a blast. This was a drop of 6500 feet in elevation into Fresno. From there another Scenic Byway back into the mountains to Yosemite. Everything along the way seemed to be in full bloom. The wild flower meadows with the snow covered Sierra peaks as a backdrop were almost too distracting. Riding into Yosemite Valley left me speechless. In order not to repeat yesterday's posting, my wife thought my descriptions were a bit too “flowery” (is that even a word?); I'd like to suggest the following. I give you a bunch of adjectives and you all can fill them in as you see fit.

Stupendously beautiful, spectacular, absolutely gorgeous, magnificent, glorious, superlative, grandiose, ostentatious, fantastic, breathtaking, incredible, wonderful, amazing, unbelievable, stunning, unmatched, supreme, greatest, unparalleled… feel free to come up with your own.


Road out of Sequoia.

View into Kings Canyon





The canyon walls are full of life.

The smallest cracks in the rock provide enough.

Colorful cliffs form the canyon walls

Grizzly Falls in Kings Canyon.

Really weird!! Pete, maybe you can help?

The roaring Kings River.

Can you imagine waking up every morning with a view like this? Just ask the owners of that house to the right of the picture.

Getting back into the Sierras.


Typical road side scene.

Getting into Yosemite.

Bridal Falls.

Sacrifices have to be made in order to get the best view of the falls.

Rainbow in the forest below Bridal Falls.

The captain!

These brown bears cause quite a traffic jam! Not that they cared much...

Yosemite Falls.

Pine Flowers.

More of the canyon walls in Yosemite.

"I love it here!"
Riding into the sunset towards San Francisco.

A native bird?


  1. I'm not really sure that bear in the first picture was Berry's dad...

  2. WOW!!! Great ride, great pictures! I wish Michi and I are there now too!!!
