Friday, June 4, 2010

12th day - 219 miles

After crossing the Central Valley one last time I entered the Diablo Range. I wonder how these mountains got their name. The hills looked so soft it almost made me want to stretch out my hand to pet them just like a soft furry giant. This was a very welcomed change of scenery, as I almost experienced sensory overload riding through the High Sierra with all its extremes and superlatives. I passed through valleys with colorful wild flower meadows and climbed up all the way to the peak of Mt. Hamilton with its observatories. Then back down through San Jose and one last small pass over to Santa Cruz where my pit crew was waiting for me. After a tire and oil change and a visit to the laundromat I'm finally off to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Thank you once again dear Border Patrol Officers! The scenery is hard to describe. Fog coming in from the ocean continuously changed the color and mood of the landscape. The constant breeze from the ocean provides a fresh smell of seaweed and salt in the air just adds to atmosphere. I am definitely looking forward to more of this as I continue my way up the coast.

On a personal note: Please post your comments as I start to get a bit lonely at night and would love to hear from you.

Palm trees in the Central Valley with the Diablo Range in the background.

Soft mountain coat.

Nothing devilish about this scene...

Wild flowers as far as the eye can see. Maybe this is Diablo's temptation? Enjoyable!

View of the San Antonio valley in the Diablo Range.

Dry hill slope doted with dark yellow flowers.

Yellow seems to be the color of choice for most flowers.

The Lick Observatory on top of Mount Hamilton.

Coming down from the Diablo Range and Mt. Hamilton.

Last look back at the Diablo Range close to San Jose.

My pit crew at BMW of Santa Cruz!
Outstanding service!! It took more time to wash my clothes than for these guys to get me back on the road.


First glimpse of the Pacific.


Fog rolling in from the sea.

Countryside of the ocean close to Half Moon Bay.

Refreshing ride through the fog.

Light house disappearing in the mist close to Half Moon Bay.


  1. Hi Matthias,

    My postdoctoral adviser was from Half Moon Bay, and Santa Cruz is one of my favorite cities in California. Will you be riding up the northern coast to Oregon? It's supposed to be very pretty, and they have redwoods!

  2. Wow. Beautiful photos and words. I'm not sure it's safe to be petting anything called Diablos, but you seem to be thriving. I especially love the shot of the lighthouse in the fog. What a Pacific mood. We miss you!

  3. Is this the Flowers of North America blog?

  4. Matthias, just checking to see what happened to Regina's post... we have been following your trek with out envy. Hope you are having fun and believe you are. Royal

  5. Matz -
    It's amazing how much ground you've covered in such a short time. Your descriptions are enticing - make me want to be there.

