Thursday, June 24, 2010

31st day - 193 miles

I was on top of the world today. Well, to be more exact, I rode the Top Of The World Highway from Tetlin Junction, Alaska to Dawson City, Yukon. It’s for sure not the highest road you can take but it certainly feels like riding on top of the world. The road follows the top of gently sloping hills that seem to get higher and higher. The scenery was quite a change from the steep mountain cliffs I got used to in Alaska. The border station was right on top at the highest point of the road. On the American side the road was mainly muddy dirt (because it was raining as usual) that forced me to stay below 35 miles for most of the trip. 10 miles after we (I met a fellow rider, Charlie, who headed the same way) passed Chicken, a tiny stop with five little businesses and a gas station, we were stopped by a highway construction crew. A huge RV (one that looks like a tour bus) with a car attached to the back slid off the road and was hanging halfway over the side of the mountain. The wait was expected to be hours. Fortunately, the guys from the construction crew showed mercy and let us pass after only 45 minutes due to the fact that they had to wait for additional equipment and the people waiting on the other end of the road starting a small revolt. Once we reached the border the road condition improved a lot. Still mostly dirt but with a lot more gravel and less mud. From here it went all downhill towards Dawson, where we used the free ferry to carry us over the Yukon River into town.

The start to the Top Of The World Highway.

Eerie landscape. Burned trees as far as the eye can see.

A new species. The charcoal pine.

The rain and fog provides for some interesting views.

World travellers from Germany in Chicken.

The main strip in Chicken.

Inside the Chicken Creek Saloon. I got my beer for half the price because the waiter didn't agree with the price the owner set. That's Chicken for you.

Charlie and me waiting for the RV to be removed.

Slippery road conditions.

Always some wild flowers around. Even on a road block.

The road snaking over the top of the world.

A glimpse of sun light reveals some green.

Muddy bike. Muddy me. Aarghh!

Last view into Alaska.

Alaska is really that big!

The road is kissing the clouds.

Riding right into the clouds.

First view of the Yukon.

Dawson City on the other side of the Yukon.

The ferry is fighting the Yukon River current.

Holding on to prepare for the docking.

Inside the famous Sourdough Saloon.

A famous tradition in Dawson is to drink the Sourtoe. A sweet whiskey with an old toe in it. Is it real? Well, it looked real to me.
Your lips have to touch the toe in order for you to become a member of the illusive Sourtoe Club.

Simone and Walter from Bodensee in Germany. They travel the Yukon in a RV.

The national past time in Canada.

The local church at midnight.

Muddy roads and boardwalks. Just like in the "Old Days".

The Masonic Temple.


  1. Matthias, this is an epic voyage you are on. You are quite a capable guide. You give us many delights and spare us many pains. What a trip. Thanks for the picture of the Masonic Temple, too, though I actually prefer the entrance to the curling club! Zounds! That's a great picture. I bet you'll miss Alaska (but maybe not the rain). The fog and rain made it surreal, I am sure. Rambling I am, rolling you are. Keep going for that perfect line. Keith

  2. Chicken looks like my kind of town, and I'm not being sarcastic. By the way, Deutschland plays England in the Achtelfinale on Sunday.
