Friday, June 11, 2010

18th day - 395 miles

This morning I decided to check out the Canadian Health Services. After riding in the cold rain yesterday my sinus infection turned a bit more serious last night.When I showed up at the Walk-In Clinic at 9:00 am there were already 6 guys waiting in front of me. I thought to myself, 9:30am the clinic opens, at least 30 minutes per patient, which will take at least till 1:00pm before I can get back on the road. Not so!
 The clinic was staffed with one receptionist and Dr. Nichols. When I stepped up to the counter and explained that I’m from the USA and don’t have a Canadian insurance card the friendly woman apologized to me that they would have to charge me and I would have to pay 60 dollars. Wow! For that amount I wouldn’t even be allowed to see the waiting room in the US. At 10:05am I saw the doctor and at 10:12am I was out the door with a prescription in my hand. How is that possible you ask?
Well first, it required only one signature on a form for me to get to see the doctor. There was no lengthy interview by a nurse (no nurse on staff anyway), nor was my blood pressure, weight or height recorded. The exam was thorough but limited to my symptoms and Dr. Nichols turned out to be very charming and personable. Matter of fact I wish I could see him again if I should get sick again. After picking up my anti-biotic at the pharmacy I was on my way by 11:00am. Talk about an efficient system! Loved it!!
Rain showers followed me all through Prince Edward even though the sun was teasing me in the distance a quite some time. Finally the weather turned and it started to warm up significantly. The medicine kicked in, I lost a couple layers of clothing and in the distance I could make out an awesome mountain range. Things really looked up.
Riding through the mountains for the rest of the day was as enjoyable as it gets and seeing my first mountain lion as he crossed the street in front of me just added to the experience. Tonight I’m staying in Chetwynd which is the start of Rt.29, a scenic shortcut through the mountains that will get me onto the Alaskan Highway tomorrow.
Thanks Dr. Nichols!

Happy cows.

Coming out of the last rain shower.

Getting fueled up - me and my bike.
Moroccan vegetable soup in Queznel. Who would have thought - very yum!

One gas station every 100 miles.

Lilly pad covered lake.

Mountains in sight..
..and road start to get curvy again.

This is a big country. Forest as far the eye can reach.

Bijoux Falls.

At the summit of Pine Pass.

Peace river valley.

Little Prairie valley at sunset.


  1. Another victory for socialized health care! I was sorry to hear you were in a bad way, though. Cold rain is probably not the best treatment for a sinus infection. Are you better now?

  2. I was just catching up with your blog now and am surprised that you weren't familiar with Forks, WA. Everyone here in Germany seems to know Forks!
