Tuesday, June 15, 2010

21st day - 575 miles

Alaska - here I come!
I woke up this morning to dark blue sky and 33 degree Fahrenheit. After hearing the rain hammering the roof of my "Container Hotel" all night long, this was a welcomed change. The locks on the bike were frozen solid over night and needed a little persuasion to open. The scenery of the mountains was dramatic. Snow blanketed their tops over night with fresh snow. But it was to get better. Much better!
Once I stopped in Whitehorse, Yukon, for a Starbucks coffee, I continued on to Haynes Junction, the gate to Kluane National Park. These are Canada’s highest mountains and they host one of the world’s largest ice fields with dozens of glacier flowing from it. But once again the weather did not play nice. The mountain tops were shrouded in clouds and soon it started to rain again. As I was getting closer to the border the rain suddenly stopped and the sun broke through the clouds providing for some spectacular scenery. Following another enchanting encounter with the American border police I finally made it into Alaska. After a long day ride I called it for the night two hours later and stopped at Tok.

Fresh snow on the Continantal Divide.

Approaching Tetlin on the other side of the Tetlin Lake Bay Bridge.

Starbuck!! But no internet! What the..

Wild horses in the Yukon.

Old pioneer bridge build during the gold rush.

Kluane National Park.

The light and the clouds were absolutly fascinating.

The White River Flats.

These mountains followed me all the way into Alaska. They are part of the Wrangell - St. Ellias National Park. The largest N. P. in the USA.

I wish the border police would take this sign a bit more serious.

1 comment:

  1. wow, wow, wow!! Love all you pics, its getting better every day!! We just had our opening weekend of the ski season in Australia and this year even got some snow! Unfortunately Michael and I could not go, maybe another time.
