Monday, June 28, 2010

35th day - 551 miles

This morning I continued down the Cassiar Highway (Hwy 37) which is the only alternate route to the Alaskan Highway. It is much smaller and the scenery is a lot more interesting. Did I mention that I saw a Grizzly last night? The massive coastal mountains are hugging the road along the entire 450 miles from the Yukon - B.C. border to where it connects with the Trans Canada Highway (Hwy 16 ) at Kitwanga, B.C.. There is a 40 mile detour 88 miles north of Kitwanga to the pacific coast at Stewart, B.C.. Next to Stewart is Hyder, AK.
Hyder is known as the "Friendliest Ghost Town in Alaska." It is the most southern town in Alaska and only community in southern Alaska accessible by road. The ride down the narrow canyon was unforgettable. Glaciers are hanging of the mountain tops, waterfalls plunge thousands of feet from the snow banks and the lush vegetation blankets the steep cliffs. It looks like something straight out of the “Lord of the Rings” saga.
The woods moved to the background providing space for lush meadows. Small towns and villages appear every 25 miles with cattle and horse farms in between.
Civilization seems to have me back. I’m kind of glad.

All alone on the Cassiar Highway.

Ok, not all alone...
The Stikine river in the morning.

This one was good for a 30 minute wait.

The next pictures are all taken along the Cassiar Hwy.
I found those in a ditch next to the road.
On the way to Hyder.

Bear Glacier runs into Bear Lake which empties into Bear River which finds its way into the ocean. That's how things are up here...
Bear River meats the ocean in Stewart.
How would you advertise this house? Oh, yeah, you can float the house as well as the mortgage..
Welcome to Hyder! This is really my last time in Alaska for this trip.

The local seafood restaurant...bus.

Great fish & chips with a view.
No town is complete without it.

Typical scene in Hyder.

This is for you Chris! Last chance to see one.

Glaciers everywhere you look in this canyon.

On the way out of Hyder.

Oh no! Not again...

Finally the mountains and woods move back a bit.

Rain is moving in over the mountains.

10 minutes later...

The little house on the prairie...

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